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09 February 2011

This is how you give a high five! the

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High Five!!!!
A lizard giving a boy a high five. Cool as!
Tongue high five


Eric Graham said...

Seriously?! Awesome shot.

Kenneth Sena said...

Amazing capture! that was a difficult shot ey..

Edward said...


Anna said...

This picture made me shudder. I don't like any animals like lizards and snakes. Brrr

webdesigner nantes said...

Photo originale !
la prise est extraordinaire

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well i think picture is not real :)

susan said...

No wonder that some people even marry their pets ... If you like him, you can do do the most weird things with him. Here's the example.

Tom @ Lit Parapluie said...

Wooh great.

It's quite frigthened !

Dogue De Bordeaux said...

Amazing photo. So pleased to have gone over reading this post. Thanks so much for sharing this info here.

Teak Furniture said...

Good shot thanks for it. I really shocked.

Mike said...

LOL. It looks like that critter is deadly accurate with that tongue.

Helen said...

wow great capture lol that kid is not even scared

FinallyFast said...

This is a great shot! I wonder if the boy trained his lizard to do this?

Filme Porno said...

Nice picture :) it is the best high five I have ever seen and the kid is hilarious!

Antique Style Wedding Bands said...

EWWWWWWWWWWWW but funny!!!

home office furniture said...

This is how you give a high five!
good post

John said...

That boy is way braver than me because I would be too scared of that lizard to give it a high five with my tongue. Whoever took the picture is pretty good because that is a nice shot. Thanks for sharing.

billig said...

Is this photo real. This is completely crazy ;-)

grant said...

aw. hope it didnt hurt. great pet for a kid! lol

buy articles said...

oooh my GOD,It looks like that critter is deadly accurate with that tongue

Steph Chasen said...

Ahahahaha... This is really funny.. i wonder how they got this shot perfectly.. Thanks for sharing this.

Basketball Uniforms said...

It is definitely a nice shot but doesn't that look kinda grouse?

Max M said...

I hate all those crawling creatures so I can't look at this picture although I have a friend who likes snakes and has two at home. They are not poisonous but I feel uncomfortable when I visit him.

Antique Style Wedding Bands said...

That is just nasty but in a cute little way!

German Shepherd Puppies said...

A really great shot! I wouldn't be able to capture this moment. Wow, you can teach a lizard to high-five and that's with the tongue. Just cool!!!

Versace Sunglasses said...

Isn't it dangerous for kids hanging around that close with lizards?

Rachel Smith said...

Nice shot. This is so amazing. really nice post

HP Printer Repair said...

Perfect photo! that boy was really tough to take that amphibian's touch.

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