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08 February 2011

Cat fearlessly fights with a Bear the

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We have seen a cat fighting with an alligator, now we have a fearless cat fighting with a bear! We don't care what anyone thinks...cats are HARD AS NAILS!! What next, a cat fighting with a shark?

Cat fights with a bear [video]

Cat fighting and chasing away a stray bear.


Maria Kessar said...

That Cat is very brave.

Andrew said...

Hahaha.. so funny

FinallyFast said...

This is amazing! I can't believe that the cat was that fearless!

Anna said...

The cat was brave but ... the bear managed to take what he came for. :)

LoveChic said...

My cat is also ready to kill everybody who comes to me :) I wish men were so brave!

Painting Holidays said...

That's amazing. What a brave cat! The bear was really scared.

John said...

That was a very funny video. That cat was not about to back down. The girl laughing in the background sounded cute. Thanks for sharing.

aMa Wedding Photographer Italy said...

I want the cat on my side next time I have a discussion with someone

iPhone app design said...

I love cats! They are so individual, they don't care about anything. This cat seems very confident to fight with a more powerful animal...That's great, really!

Lineage 2 said...

super-cat lol

Gary Dunsford said...

I can't decide whether the cat is brave or just stupid. Maybe he had stolen his ball of wool !

Dom Interior said...

That cat was like RAWR BITCH!!! And the bear took his trash and ran. Classic.

Antique Style Wedding Bands said...

Crazy cat!! I would be scared against a bear and I'm bigger than the cat!!

Max M said...

Some small creatures can be more brave than other big and powerful ones - that's the fact. That's the life.

Low testosterone said...

LOL......funny man....nice video

gecko info said...

OMG! That cat is fearless! I can't believe it!

Max said...

made me laugh. Especially the baby laughing

Anonymous said...

Cats in the right mood will take on anything...ask a cat owner!

Anonymous said...

Also, further to above, check out some videos of Scottish wild cats. They almost look like domestic cats but with a 100 time worse temper!

Mobile App Development said...

Its really amazing. I have shared these blog with my friends and family. I hope they would love it.....

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