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25 March 2011

Oh no you don't!! the

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This cheeky monkey has got his finger stuck in the wrong place! Either that or he is simply "plugging" a bad smell :)
funny monkey prods


Anna said...

Some instincts can't be explained with the reason. I guess we simply don't know something :) But it's dirty :(

Diana said...

Let's hope the monkey didn't like the smell! Ha-ha!

Penterjemah said...

hahaha.... very funny....

Mia said...

ha ha.. whata funny pict..

STraveller said...

I've taken a picture of monkeys having sex in front of hundreds of tourists in Cambodia - but this picture is much better!

Eric Graham said...

Oh! You shouldn't have. LOL

Alvin Y. said...

That's a prostate exam in the monkey's world.

Firenze said...

"hey thanks for scratching that itch around there but I don't know about that Itch!!" LMAO

Funny Things said...

Totally plugging a bad smell :D

Ivan said...

totally GILA!! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Thats kinda weird.... dont u think....

Anonymous said...

My brother said what the hell was that!....

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