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01 November 2010

Funny Staring Animals! the

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Here are a couple of funny staring animals to help us recoup after the weekend! THE ANIMALS ARE WATCHING US!

funny staring animals cat
 Funny Cat is not impressed. You wouldn't want to be greeted by this evil cat! Needless to say, the cat is watching you!

funny staring animals dog beach bum
"Hey dude check this out", "Niiiiiiiiiiice!" - Beach dog likes to check out the local attractions. At least this dog isn't watching us this time...

 From the same Town as "staring cat", we have "staring wall dog"! Very creepy stuff indeed. Forget about cctv, "dog in a wall" will put any thief off!

funny staring animals cat 2
 Staring cat will kill you now! 
[He won't really but I would still run!]


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