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01 November 2010

Funny Cats and Lolcats [pictures] 3! the

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We can never EVER get enough of seeing funny lolcats here at

We have another Funny Cats and Lolcats Picture post for your enjoyment. [Don't forget, you can download all of your favourite pictures - see here].

Funny Cats and Lolcats Pictures
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 Typical lolcat, claiming everything as "his"

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 Has anyone got the new iCat app? I am not sure what it does but it looks cool!

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 Funny lolcat is helping to stir the food in the bowl. Lets hope he is not the food!

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 Cats will fight with anything. Cats are not scared of even the "foot of God"

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Friendly? I don't think so!!! Lolcat is having a laugh if he thinks we're getting near that paw!

Remember folks! If you have any of your own funny lolcat pictures, please e-mail them to us with [or without] a caption. We will even add a funny caption for you :) Email your cat pictures to Strange Nature!


Richard said...

Lol, love the expression on the third one in the bowl

Nextiva said...

These pics are so cute. The iCat is my favorite

Maine Coon Cat Nation said...

Oh, my! How do we choose a favorite? These are hilarious. I could look at them all day :) That iCat can get comfy anywhere...

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