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21 April 2010

Strange Nature - Sheep Pig the

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-Strange [but beautiul] nature-
This unusual Sheep Pig is called a Mangalitzasis. Originally found in Hungary and Austria, the "sheep pigs" have woolly coats to protect them from the elements expected in these regions. The sheep pig could also be found in Great Britain 40 years ago, called the Lincolnshire Curley. Unfortunately they are a dying breed and extremely rare to see in modern times!

Lamp or Bacon? Who's to tell :)
Sheep Pig
A rare "Sheep Pig" - Pig with a woollen coat.

 **Educated Quotes of the Day** "Feeling a little sheepish..." -
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Allan Mckenny said...

Thanks for sharing this amazing breed of pig. Its so outrageous, glad to drop by reading this post. Be back for more reading updates.

Azul O. Corlee said...

"This unusual Sheep Pig is called a "Mangalitzasis"."

New discovery, I enjoyed reading it maybe the sheep and the pig made love with each other. thats why the "Mangalitzasis" came out.

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